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Odd-Even Pricing

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    Odd-even pricing is one of the simplest ways to boost sales. The method is based on human psychology and the various oddities that accompany the human mind. When using odd-even pricing, you avoid round figures. 

    Consider this scenario: You have two caps options, one priced at $29.99 and the other at $28.0. Which one would you be more inclined to buy? Surprisingly, many people would choose the slightly higher price of $29.99. Why? Because consumer behavior isn’t always rational when it comes to pricing. Prices ending in .99 have a psychological grip that makes them more persuasive than round numbers.

    Understanding Odd-Even Pricing

    What is Odd-Even Pricing?

    Odd-even pricing is a psychological pricing approach related to charm pricing. It refers to utilizing a numerical value to influence the customer’s perception of the product’s value. The purpose of odd-even pricing is to make little price modifications that increase sales and profitability. The “odd” element relates to a price that ends in 1,3,5,7,9, whereas the “even” part refers to a price that ends in a whole number in tenths, such as $0.20 or $50.

    Odd pricing 

    A price with an odd number gives the idea of a bargain. Consumers pay attention to the initial digit of a price. Therefore, dropping a product from $3.00 to $2.99 will be regarded as a value benefit, resulting in 10% to 30% increased sales. Odd pricing also offers the belief that the price is accurate as the number is definite, such as a 9 or a 5.

    Even pricing

    An even price ending creates the exact opposite impression as an odd price. Prices that finish in zero, such as $100, represent precision, simplicity, and, in many cases, luxury.

    The method is used by premium fashion and leisure businesses, which do not require lowered prices to make a sale. Their customer base is more inclined to pay full price and respond favorably to even price endings.

    Importance of Odd-Even Pricing in Pricing Decisions

    Odd-even pricing is important in pricing decisions because of its psychological influence on customers. Prices with odd numbers give a sense of affordability and value, which leads to higher purchasing intent and impulse buying behavior. The approach also generates a perceived discount and encourages customers to make a purchase. Also, odd-even pricing enables enterprises to position their items competitively in the market while catering to price-sensitive customers. It works well in marketing campaigns, promotions, and sales events, creating a sense of urgency and motivating customers. Studies show that consumers perceive odd prices as lower, increasing the likelihood of purchase.

    Pros and Cons of the Odd-Even Pricing Strategy

    Pros of Odd-Even Pricing Strategy

    When evaluating the crucial elements of the approach, it is critical to start with the prospective benefits:

    1. Encourages Impulse Purchases: Odd prices like $19.99 motivate impulse buys, as lower prices lead to immediate purchase decisions without much deliberation. The pricing tactic is associated with perceived discounts, influencing consumers to buy without hesitation.
    2. Stimulates Purchases: Odd prices make it challenging for consumers to mentally calculate the total cost of multiple items, leading to increased purchases. The perception of discounts encourages customers to buy more products and leads to higher sales numbers.
    3. Supports Marketing Strategies: Odd pricing aligns well with marketing strategies focused on affordability, as odd prices create an impression of cost-effectiveness. Conversely, even pricing can be more suitable for brands emphasizing exclusivity and luxury.
    4. Enhances Customer Perception: Using unusual pricing techniques assists in influencing consumers’ purchase decisions. Essentially, sellers can persuade customers to buy specific products or services by crafting a unique pricing perspective. At this stage, products can be propagated further, benefiting each stakeholder who is actively involved.

    Cons of Odd-Even Pricing Strategy

    Despite the advantages, there are some notable drawbacks to odd pricing:

    1. Negative brand impression: With odd-even pricing, buyers buy things because they enjoy the price rather than the product itself. In this scenario, the strategy suggests consumer retention will be low. When prices fluctuate, buyers will switch to alternative products, which is immensely detrimental to a brand’s earnings.
    2. Wrong perception of value. Companies establish a coerced sense of value by presenting odd pricing as bargains and even prices as luxury. Keeping this in mind, focusing too much on odd and even costs can result in a distorted assessment of a product’s value.
    3. Miscommunication and disinformation. Companies’ unusual pricing techniques to force people towards specific items generate a coercive perception of what they provide. Specifically, even if items lack legitimate value, businesses can utilize odd-even pricing to create the perception of erroneous value as a result of the pricing employed. 

    Odd-Even Pricing Impact on Businesses

    The impact of odd-even pricing on businesses can be significant, influencing sales, customer perception, and brand strategy.

    1. Sales and Revenue: Odd-even pricing can increase sales by promoting impulsive purchases and bigger basket sizes. The perception of discounts associated with unusual prices can lead to increased purchasing behavior and result in more revenue for businesses.
    2. Competitive Advantage: Using odd-even pricing methods can provide you with a competitive advantage in the market. Businesses may differentiate themselves from competitors and gain market share by carefully pricing items to make them look more appealing or align with customer expectations.
    3. Profit Margins: Odd-even pricing strategies can impact profit margins, especially if discounts associated with odd prices are not carefully managed. Businesses need to balance pricing strategies to maximize sales while ensuring profitability and sustainable growth.
    4. Marketing and Promotion: Odd-even pricing can be used in marketing and promotional activities to promote discounts, special deals, or clearance sales. It may boost customer engagement, generate a sense of urgency, and result in higher sales.

    In a 2019 study by McKinsey, it was found that improving pricing is the most effective way to boost earnings. For every 1% improvement in pricing, profits increased by an average of 6%.

    Practical Tips:

    • Strategic Product Placement

    Use odd prices for products targeted at price-sensitive customers and even prices for premium or high-end products.

    • Avoid Overuse

    Don’t rely solely on odd-even pricing. Use it selectively for promotions, new product launches, or to create perceived value.

    • Consider Market Competition

    Monitor how competitors use odd-even pricing and adjust your strategies accordingly to stay competitive.

    • Communicate Value

    Clearly communicate the benefits or discounts associated with odd prices to reinforce value perception among customers.


    Pricing has an enormous impact on perception. The prices you determine will impact how buyers perceive your business. Make sure that your prices fit with your objectives and brand. Implementing these odd-even pricing strategies can enrich customer perception, drive sales, and achieve long-term success in the market.

    Also, remember that pricing strategy is significantly more complicated than deciding whether to employ odd or even rates. Price optimization can boost your sales and revenues.

    Explore the effectiveness of odd-even pricing strategies with! Discover our services to optimize pricing decisions, enhance customer perception, and drive sales. Visit our website to learn more!



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