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Choosing the Right Price Points for Market Entry

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    While every business owner strives to enter the market with exceptional and valuable services, there’s one critical factor that can’t be ignored: price. Approximately 60% of e-commerce buyers prioritize price when making purchase decisions, with this preference intensifying during economic downturns. With such importance put on pricing, there’s no better time than now to examine your price points with price monitoring tools before entering the market and optimizing revenue.

    What Is the Price Point?

    The price point is the most balanced cost that maintains the highest demand and an optimal profit margin. It is the cost that buyers are willing to pay for a particular product in comparison to rival offerings. To put it briefly, a price point is an ideal option for consumers who want to acquire a product at a fair price and for stores who want to beat competitors and maximize profits.

    The determination of a price point using price monitoring tools is influenced by the supply and demand curve, quantities demanded, quantities supplied, substitute product prices, and gross margin per unit.

    Price Point Example

    For instance, consider a premium bag brand.

    A premium shoe brand knows that its average cost for a bag is ₹25,000.

    Presently, the brand sells a bag for ₹1,05,000. At this price, it attracts approximately 90 buyers per day.

    Reducing the price to ₹75,000 would boost the number of buyers to 120.

    The brand could further reduce its price to ₹52,500, but it refrains from going too low as it intends to maintain its premium status by targeting upper-market segments.

    Price Point vs. Price

    Although a price point is also the cost of a product, it is not identical to any price. It is a point within the spectrum of conceivable prices that conforms to the supply and demand curve. This equilibrium enables retailers to maintain sales volume and profit without losing customers to competitors. Once a price point is selected, it becomes the product price.

    Considerations When Determining a Price Point to Enter the Market

    When searching for the optimal price point, it’s crucial to consider the factors.

    Establish Your Objectives

    The initial step in determining the most suitable price is to assess your business objectives. When deliberating on the price of a product, consider a few questions:

    • How should the price of a product justify your expenditures?
    • Do you possess any knowledge of the price elasticity of the item?
    • To what degree is your audience sensitive to pricing?

    With this information in mind, you can determine the minimum price that gives profitability and make adjustments as you proceed with A/B testing.

    Analyze Your Competition

    If you aim for your business to capture a significant market share, it’s essential to know your competitors. Before settling on a price point, conduct thorough research into businesses operating and assess their pricing strategies. Combining this learning with your profit objectives will establish an advantageous market price for your product.

    While you may be tempted to undercut your competitor’s prices to gain a competitive edge, this isn’t always the wisest choice. Therefore, avoid underpricing your goods because:

    • It could become more challenging to raise prices later without compromising sales volume.
    • There’s a risk of devaluing your product in the eyes of customers.
    • It could impact your profit margin.

    Perceived Value

    Brand positioning is a starting point for developing your pricing strategy. Is your product positioned as a premium offering intended to outlast or offer more features than its competitors? Alternatively, are you targeting lower market segments with more affordable alternatives? 

    You can utilize the price-quality matrix as a basis for your pricing strategy or explore other pricing philosophies to establish a price point that aids in cultivating a specific brand reputation. Additionally, experimenting with changing pricing can help determine the most effective approach. It’s essential to stay aligned with your business objectives and profit goals—neither of which should be compromised when shaping perceptions of product value.

    Consider Buyer Expectations

    Understanding your average buyer is crucial. Depending on the market segment, pricing, either too high or too low, can deter potential customers and lead to misconceptions about the product positioning. Pricing should fit the expectations of your target audience.

    Steps in Establishing a Price Point to Enter the Market

    Here are the essential steps to establish a price point to enter the market:

    Step 1: Market Research

    In the initial stage, a company conducts extensive market research to assess consumer preferences, demand trends, and the broader economic landscape. This phase is crucial to understanding the environment in which the product will operate. For instance, a software company considering the launch of a new application must analyze current user needs, software usage trends, and potential market gaps using price monitoring tools. The research should also examine emerging technologies and their adoption rates to understand the market.

    Step 2: Cost Analysis

    Conducting a thorough analysis of total production costs is essential for companies in the tech sector, where initial development costs may be high, but ongoing maintenance costs can vary. The analysis should encompass aspects of development, maintenance, and support using price monitoring tools. The objective is to set a baseline pricing covering these costs and offer a competitive advantage.

    Step 3: Competitor Evaluation

    Assessing competitor pricing strategies and market positions is crucial to determine the product’s market position. The step involves understanding the market pricing rather than simply copying competitors’ prices. Companies should evaluate how similar products are priced, what additional services are offered, and how their product differs.

    Step 4: Value Proposition Identification

    Identifying and articulating unique selling propositions (USPs) is essential for justifying the product’s price point. It may include user-friendly interfaces, features, superior customer support, or integration capabilities. 

    Step 5: Get Customer Feedback 

    Getting feedback through surveys, trials, and focus groups helps gauge customer responses to different pricing levels. The step aims to understand the product’s perceived value from the customer’s perspective, which is crucial for refining the pricing strategy.

    Step 6: Selection of Pricing Strategy

    Choosing the appropriate pricing strategy is crucial for the product’s success. Depending on the product and market dynamics, this involves a subscription model with different tiers, freemium models, premium pricing, or usage-based pricing. The strategy should fit the product type, customer expectations, and business purposes.

    Step 7: Persistent Monitoring and Adjustment

    Always monitor and adjust the pricing strategy. It includes monitoring customer feedback, market trends, and changes in competitor strategies utilizing price Monitoring tools. Adjustments are necessary to accommodate changes in operational costs, market demand, or enhancements in service offerings. 


    Determining the price point for a product is crucial in striking a balance between your profit margin objectives and the willingness of customers to buy your product. While it may be challenging to account for all the variables involved in setting the price point, it’s essential to analyze competitors, identify your target audience, conduct testing, and monitor continuously with price monitoring tools. You can take the guesswork out of pricing with – start optimizing today!



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