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Live Chat: Understand the Value of Livechat Solutions

What do you understand by a Livechat?

Live chat support is a customer service feature that enables real-time communication between customers and support representatives via instant messaging on websites or mobile apps. It is embedded within a website or mobile app, allowing users to ask questions, receive support, or engage with the company quickly and efficiently.

How useful is Livechat?

Live chat support allows organizations to provide immediate assistance, answer product inquiries, and resolve customer issues in a convenient and personalized manner, leading to higher levels of customer engagement, loyalty, and retention. By offering live chat support, organizations can differentiate their brand, increase customer trust, and drive sales through proactive engagement and assistance throughout the customer journey. 

Livechat In Academia

In academia, live chat support is studied within the fields of customer relationship management (CRM), service operations, and digital communication. Researchers investigate live chat benefits, including improved customer satisfaction, reduced response times, and increased sales conversions, as well as best practices for implementation, staffing, and performance monitoring to maximize the effectiveness of live chat as a customer service and sales channel. Academic studies on live chat support also explore its integration with CRM systems, chatbot technologies, and analytics tools, as well as ethical considerations and privacy policies for handling sensitive customer information and ensuring data security and compliance in online interactions and transactions.

Also, learn about LMS.

A learning management system is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process.

Explore other related terms only on

Frequently Asked Questions On Livechat

How does Livechat work?

Live chat is an online communication system that allows businesses to engage with visitors on their website or social media platforms in real time. It’s implemented through a code or added as a plugin to a website and other communication channels. Online chat is a great alternative to phone calls or emails.

Why is Livechat important?

By providing real-time assistance with live chat support when they need it the most is the best way to boost customer satisfaction. Hence, live chat plays an important role in providing support at the right time and the right way to make quick decisions.

What is the risk of Livechat?

Chat is non-verbal and non-visual. You can’t rely on vocal cues or body language to convey meaning, and you’re communicating through the wall of a screen. So, this makes losing the human touch one of the biggest live chat risks.

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