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What is Geotargeting?

Geotargeting is a digital advertising strategy that delivers targeted ads or content to users based on their geographic location, such as country, region, city, or proximity to a specific point of interest.

How is Geotargeting useful?

Geotargeting enables organizations to increase ad relevance, improve campaign performance, and drive higher engagement and conversion rates by delivering personalized content to users in specific locations or market segments. By leveraging geotargeting, organizations can optimize ad spend, target local markets, and measure the effectiveness of location-based marketing campaigns in driving foot traffic, online sales, and brand awareness.

Geotargeting In Academia

In academia, geotargeting is studied within the fields of marketing analytics, consumer behavior, and digital advertising. Researchers investigate geotargeting techniques, including IP address geolocation, GPS coordinates, and WiFi signal triangulation, to segment audiences and deliver relevant messages or offers based on their physical location and behavioral context. Academic studies on geotargeting also explore its impact on consumer perceptions, privacy concerns, and regulatory compliance, as well as best practices for geo-aware content delivery, campaign attribution, and ROI measurement in digital marketing and advertising contexts.

Also, learn about GMV.

Gross merchandise value (GMV) refers to the value of goods sold via customer-to-customer or e-commerce platforms. It is calculated prior to the deduction of any fees or expenses and is a measure of the growth of the business or use of the site to resell products owned by others through consignment. Analyzing GMV from one period to another allows management and analysts to determine the financial health of a company. GMV is not a true representation of a company’s revenues, as a portion of the revenues goes to the original seller.

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Frequently Asked Questions On Geotargeting

What is the purpose of geotargeting?

Geo-targeting is the practice of delivering advertising content within a defined geographic boundary to customers who meet specified criteria. In addition to targeting people within a defined radius, geo-targeted marketing allows brands to hone in on users based on behaviors and demographics.

How effective is geotargeting?

It helps you create more relevant messaging for your target audience, increases online traffic to your company’s website, and boosts foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar stores. Overall, geotargeting makes marketing campaigns more effective so you can drive revenue and reach more customers.

How do you implement geotargeting?

The steps are as follows-

  • Identify region-specific keywords.
  • Prioritise locations
  • Implement negative keywords.
  • Avoid irrelevant locations.
  • Include the name of the target location.
  • Track location metrics.
  • Include regional search terms.
  • Lower ad costs using bid adjustments.

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